Foundation for the Emancipation of Women and Girls


Causes We are Care About

The reason for the existence of FEWGI

Social housing

it’s a program that has achieved as much housing as possible for destitute women of all hopes

Community health center

with a more accessible approach to health centers, girls and women will risk less danger by doing more prevention

Social Program

self-development, self-esteem and social programs dedicated to young women and girls 

Education Funding

as much as we can, we allow women and girls to achieve their intellectual dreams by helping them with their schooling.

Business Funding

All over the world, the female gender remains the active center, which is why we are establishing this program in order to support as many women as possible through their entrepreneurial experiences.

Green Program

Designed to include all women in the fight against deforestation

Who contributed with us?

The following list of people contributed their 100% support to help our thousands of causes.

To learn about becoming a partner, contact us at: or +1 (646) 243-6857